Angel Ríos was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico September 16, 1956. Complete your high school in Germany, being in the Army of the united States, where he was awarded with the “Army Commendation Medal” for their enforcement. In the 1981 home with Sandra Rivers, and in 1984 completed his BA in Education from the Catholic University in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Two years later completed his Master's degree in Administration and Supervision. For 14 years she worked in the System of School P. A. as a teacher of mathematics and Director of Public Schools. Move to Orlando, Florida in 1994. Working eight years as a Director of Foster care (Foster Care Counselor) and subsequently occupied by the coordination in Central Florida of a project Hope USA with non-profit Organizations (Non-Profit).
It is in Orlando, where it has been given the task of writing. Competa his first book “Arbustus” and his first collection of poems titled “Anghel”. This works with the English language translation of Arbustus. Works with Anghel II and III”, “Gallery of the mask”, his first novel, “The stories of Fandango and Pocket”, his first short story, and “Cries”. Angel Rios has been the recipient of the awards Gold Medal, for his first two works, and the Prix Julia de Burgos by his book “Arbustus”. He is a member of the International Association of Poets and Writers Hispanic (AIPEH), and Poets of the World. Part-time was a Professor of the College of Education of the Universidad Ana G. Méndez, in Orlando, and is currently working with the law firm of Morgan & Morgan.
Traveling to different places and organizations to get their message out motivational of hope and offers workshops in leadership in Churches and other organizations. Website: and your Phone 4078449778.